Social Security Disabilities and SSI Lawyers

If you are suffering from an injury or illness that prevents you from working, then Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income benefits may be your best solution for income. Call Thurswell Law now to gain the benefits of having a Michigan Social Security attorney on your side. Our professionals have helped hundreds of people claim what is theirs. Our experienced attorneys are available to help 24/7!
Types of Benefits
Disability benefits available through the Social Security Administration include both Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
How to Get Your Social Security Benefits
Social Security Disability (SSDI/SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims are frequently denied at the initial level. When this happens, claimants must go before an administrative law judge in an attempt to receive their benefits. Because the rules and regulations are so complex, it’s important to let an experienced disability lawyer handle the case.
Call Thurswell Law now to learn about the benefits of having a Michigan Social Security Disability/SSI lawyer on your side. Our professionals have helped hundreds of people get the benefits they were entitled to. We have experienced disability attorneys available to help 24/7. Call toll-free at 866-354-5544 or 248-354-2222.
If you are suffering from an injury or illness that prevents you from working, then Social Security Disability/SSI Benefits may likely be your best solution for income. Thurswell Law can assist with:
The amount of SSD benefits you receive is determined using several factors, including your age, how many years you worked, and the amount of money you paid into the Social Security system. The maximum amount you can receive in SSI payments is $710 per month, assuming you live independently and are not receiving financial support from your family members.
Because there are many variables that you may be unaware of when it come to obtaining the correct level of benefits, it is always best to discuss your financial situation with an attorney who specializes in SSD and SSID claims – and to do so prior to applying for benefits.
Has Your Benefits Claim Been Denied?
Oftentimes, Social Security Disability (SSDI/SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claims are denied at the initial level. When this happens, claimants must go before an administrative law judge in order to attempt to receive their benefits – it’s a process that’s difficult to navigate without an experienced lawyer. The attorneys at Thurswell Law are knowledgeable and informed of Social Security Disability/SSI laws, rules, and regulations. By contacting us today, you will receive a free consultation for your case. If we are unable to recover money for you, there will be no fee for our services.
How The Social Security Administration Defines Disability
Disability is more common than most people think. While we all believe that we will be healthy forever, three out of every ten 20-year-old workers will become permanently disabled before reaching retirement age.
Disability can strike at any time. It can come as the result of a Michigan car accident, Michigan slip-and-fall accident, Michigan medical malpractice accident, or even after a Michigan birth injury accident.
Nobody can ever really prepare for disability. If it takes you by surprise, then you may have difficulty paying your bills, finding work, or keeping your family life intact. Therefore, you will want to seek Social Security benefits.
Social Security is designed to help people who have become disabled and have exhausted all of their other options. However, Social Security has a very narrow definition of disability: it must be total disability. Social Security does not pay for temporary or partial disability.
You have to meet three main conditions to be considered disabled, and thus be eligible for Social Security:
- You cannot do work that you did before.
- You cannot adjust to other work because of your medical condition(s).
- Your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or to result in death.
If you believe that you meet these three qualifications, but have been rejected by Social Security, it is important that you call a Michigan Social Security disability attorney as soon as possible. An experienced lawyer may be able to help you earn the benefits that you and your family deserve. But we cannot start acting on your behalf if you do not call us first.
Call the Michigan Social Security disability lawyers at The Thurswell Law Firm today at (866) 354-5544 to learn more about your legal rights. We will stand up for you and work to help you earn the benefits that you need. Do not delay any longer. Schedule your free consultation today.
Criteria for Obtaining Social Security Disability Benefits
The Basics
You are considered disabled according to the SSA if:
- you are unable to perform the work you did before,
- you are unable to adjust to another type of work due to you medical condition, and
- your disability has already lasted or is expected to last for a minimum of one year (or is expected to result in death).
In addition to these specific conditions, there are additional criteria that will be taken into consideration before disability benefits will be paid out.
Additional Criteria for Claim Eligibility
Qualifying for Social Security Disability benefits depends on several factors. In some cases, it is as simple as proving you are blind. However, for most individuals, other circumstances will be considered.
Most claimants must have a work history in which they paid into the Social Security system, and they must also have a medical condition that rules out full-time employment. Your age and the level of education you have attained may also be taken into consideration. It is generally presumed that a younger person (under the age of 50) may be able to retrain for a different type of employment.
The Social Security Administration also expects people with more education to be flexible when it comes to finding different types of work, despite the presence of a disabling condition.
When all factors are taken into consideration, people who become disabled over the age of 55, and who have medium-to-heavy work histories, are approved more readily than younger claimants or those who are highly educated.
What are the Types of Disability Impairments?
A surprising number of conditions meet the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability. This “Listing of Impairments” is broken down into “Adults” and “Children” lists and then further categorized by the type of impairment, such as Respiratory System Impairments or Mental Disorders.
The Listing of Impairments describes impairments that are considered severe enough to prevent an individual from performing activities associated with gainful employment or, in the case of children under 18, debilitating enough to cause severe and marked functional limitations. The conditions are currently divided into 14 categories, according to body system:
- Musculoskeletal System Impairments
- Special Senses and Speech Disorders
- Respiratory System Impairments
- Cardiovascular System Impairments
- Digestive System Impairments
- Genitourinary Disorders
- Hematological Disorders
- Endocrine Disorders
- Neurological Disorders
- Skin Disorders
- Mental Disorders
- Cancer (Malignant Neoplastic Diseases)
- Congenital Disorders that Affect Multiple Body Systems
- Immune System Disorders
Most of the impairments on the list are permanent or are expected to result in death, while some include a specific statement of duration. For all other listings, evidence must be provided that shows the impairment has lasted or is expected to last for a continuous period of at least 12 months.
Blood Disorders
Many hematological disorders (blood disorders) qualify for benefits under the Social Security Disability program, including:
- sickle cell disease
- chronic thrombocytopenia
- chronic anemia
- hereditary telangiectasia
- disorders of bone marrow failure
- myelofibrosis
Many adults living with an AIDS diagnosis qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. Additionally, children diagnosed with AIDS/HIV may qualify for Supplemental Security Income, provided their family meets the income limitations. Proof of infection is required before benefits will be awarded. Accepted medical tests include DNA detection tests, antibody tests, viral cultures, and other tests suggested by your doctor.
Mental Disorders
A variety of disabling mental conditions qualify for SSD benefits. These include organic disorders, pervasive developmental disorders (including autism), substance addiction disorders, psychotic disorders, personality disorders, somatoform disorders, intellectual disability, affective disorders, and anxiety-related disorders.
For instance, if you are suffering from a disabling anxiety disorder, which is fairly common, you may be eligible to receive benefits. The severity of the symptoms varies from one person to another, so some individuals will qualify while others will not. If you have been diagnosed with OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), panic disorder, PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), social anxiety, or general anxiety disorder, you may be eligible for SSD benefits.
Some cancer diagnoses result in an automatic qualification for SSD benefits. Other forms of cancer qualify only after the disease has progressed to a certain stage. Additionally, certain treatments that prevent you from working for more than 12 months would make you eligible for benefits regardless of the type of cancer you have.
COPD and Congestive Heart Failure
If you have been diagnosed with COPD or congestive heart failure, you may be eligible to receive Social Security Disability benefits. The approval will depend on the severity of your symptoms and how they affect your ability to work. To receive benefits for congestive heart failure, you must provide documented medical proof that you have continuing severe heart failure, even with medication.
Crohn’s Disease
Crohn’s disease is a serious impairment that often makes it impossible for the individual to work for an extended period of time, according to the Social Security Administration. It is classified as a disorder of the digestive system, and to qualify for benefits you must have received a definitive diagnosis. Additionally, you must have at least one listed complication such as:
- pain and cramping in your abdominal mass
- significant weight loss
- bowel obstruction
- untreatable anemia
How We Can Help
If you are disabled and unable to return to full-time employment, the knowledgeable legal team at Thurswell Law can help you determine the best way go about filing and/or appealing a claim for Social Security Disability benefits. We have many years of experience and understand the many steps that are required to optimize your chances for a successful claim. We will help you gather the medical records and other vital information necessary for a successful claim.
It is important to begin the filing process as soon as possible after you become disabled or determine that you will be unable to return to work for at least 12 months. Prompt action is the best way to make a claim for all the benefits to which you are entitled. Don’t delay, give us a call at 248-354-2222 and let the experienced attorneys at Thurswell Law help you today.
More Frequently Asked Disability Questions
How do you develop a disability case?
Our disability attorneys will develop your case to adhere to Social Security rules and regulations, meaning that you do not have to deal with the intricacies of Social Security law. We work to track down important medical records and test results, obtain statements from your physicians, and apply our expertise to your case. With Social Security Disability / SSI law, precedents have been set. Our disability attorneys are aware of these precedents and can utilize them to help you win your case.
What are my odds of winning without legal help?
Attending a hearing before a judge without the assistance of a disability attorney may result in a lost opportunity to win the benefits you deserve. Research indicates that the odds of winning a disability claim before an administrative law judge are remarkably decreased when a claimant does not hire an attorney.
Can Social Security determine whether or not I can work?
Social Security considers your age, education, past work experience, transferable skills, and degree of disability when determining whether or not you can work. If Social Security determines that there are jobs in the local or national economy that you can do, then you will not be found disabled. However, if Social Security finds that you cannot adjust to work, you will be granted Social Security disability benefits.
If my medical condition is severe, can I win my claim without an attorney?
If you have a severe impairment or medical condition, you do have a better chance of winning your claim. Keep in mind, however, that an experienced attorney will know how to effectively proceed and present the facts at your hearing. When your medical condition is more severe, it is even more important that you win your case, and your chances of receiving disability benefits improve with an attorney by your side.
Thurswell Law offers excellent Social Security Disability attorneys who will ensure that you are well-represented. Call 866-354-5544 today for your free consultation.