
Medical Malpractice Laws in Michigan, Explained

Posted on May 1st, 2019 by Gerald Thurswell

Medical Malpractice Laws in Michigan Explained Article by Thurswell Law

Each state can make its own laws regarding different types of legal claims, including medical malpractice lawsuits. Michigan law has many different provisions and requirements for patients seeking to hold doctors liable for medical errors. If you fail to comply with the law, you can lose your right to compensation. It is essential to have […]

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The Reality of Medical Negligence: U.S. Mothers Are Dying in Delivery Rooms

Posted on April 22nd, 2019 by Elizabeth

medical negligence deadly delivery michigan thurswell law

The United States has incredible technology, advanced healthcare, constant innovation. But mothers are dying in delivery rooms. So many mothers are dying, in fact, that the U.S. is now the most dangerous place in the developed world for a woman to give birth. How can this be true? It’s not because our country is lacking […]

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Detroit Doctors Fired for Reporting Negligence at Detroit Medical Center

Posted on April 1st, 2019 by Elizabeth

detroit medical center doctors fired negligence medical malpractice

It’s uncommon for doctors to be the ones suing hospitals, but that’s exactly what’s happening in the case of cardiologists Mahir Elder, M.D. and Amir Kaki, M.D. vs. Detroit Medical Center (DMC). The doctors claim they were fired for reporting quality-of-care problems. DMC officials say the cardiologists were fired for unspecified code of conduct violations. […]

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Do Time and Place of Delivery Contribute to Birth Injuries?

Posted on March 15th, 2019 by Elizabeth

delivery room birth injuries thurswell law

There is a lot going on in the delivery room. Laboring mothers have enough on their minds without having to worry about additional complications that could arise from the day and time their body decides to give birth. Recent research, however, has shown that there are some unsettling factors that influence whether a mother will […]

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3 Ways to Avoid a C-Section and the Threat of Medical Malpractice

Posted on February 25th, 2019 by Elizabeth

c-section medical malpractice thurswell law

The United States has one of the highest rates of cesarean sections globally. In some cases, a C-section can be life-saving. In other cases, babies can suffer a catastrophic and irreversible birth injury. For some doctors, the jump to do a C-section has a lot to do with avoiding medical malpractice charges. If a vaginal […]

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